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AcenAAr Technologies
The present era is stirring towards INDUSTRY 4.0 which paved new opportunities for technocrats. The Internet of Things (IoT) technology, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (AI & ML) technology, Robotics technologies and EVs has made mandate for very huge skillful manpower in present scenario. And it is occupying omni fields like home automation, transport, agriculture and whatnot. Seeing the dire need of technology many Industries, logistics and educational organizations in India and abroad are made mandate these technologies for sustainable growth. As it is going to become the integral part of life, and using for self-empowerment and to utilize prospects of modern life style of 21 st century It is bringing tremendous changes in socioeconomics. There by it upliftment of society and drive into next level of new world. Part of this we are also one who IDEATE, doing it with INNOVETE, making MONETIZE.